프리게임 - 유러피안 주니어 챔피언쉽 - Brandenburg (GER)
Pierre Martory from France, champion in free game under 21: ''I am very happy, because it was my last chance to win free game in Europe. My focus will be on the balk-lines and one cushion now, because I have a lack of time to train for three cushion.''
최근 등록된 순

프리게임 - 유러피안 주니어 챔피언쉽 - Brandenburg (GER) - 19. 4. 25. to 19. 4. 5.
Pierre Martory from France, champion in free game under 21: ''I am very happy, because it was my last chance to win free game in Europe. My focus will be on the balk-lines and one cushion now, because I have a lack of time to train for three cushion.''조회수: 1061 시간: 3' 5''
등록 날짜 19. 5. 4. 오후 3:17
프리게임 - 유러피안 주니어 챔피언쉽 - Brandenburg (GER) - 19. 4. 25. to 19. 4. 5.
결승 - 피에르 말토리 (프랑스) vs 레온 듀딩크 (네덜란드) - 300점조회수: 5809 시간: 107' 44''
등록 날짜 19. 5. 4. 오후 3:12