Agenda 캐롬 빌리아드


9-Ball - Düsseldorf (GER)


BC Colours Düsseldorf Reisholzer Werftstraße 25
40589 Düsseldorf

A total of 37 women will be competing in a mixed field. Women under and over 40 years of age. In the under-40 age group, the four best female athletes qualify for the German Championships, and in the over-40 age group, the two best finishers.

The special thing about this event is that the organiser - BC Colours Düsseldorf - has acquired 2,800 euros in additional prize money through sponsors.

The event starts on 7 May at 10:00 a.m. with the preliminary rounds. The single knockout rounds will presumably start in the evening with the top 16.


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