일반 - Aalst (BEL)
PDB Top League (Golfbilliard)
Nieuwerkerken-Dorp 68
9320 Aalst
-GANTOISE (Kevin De Vogelaere, Geert Van Schepdael, Bruno Van Den Driessche)
-SAN PEDRO (Peter De Backer, Sandro Coppens, Didier Cours)
-DUKQIES (Ruben Vermeulen, Sergio Ariano, Emerson Delaere)
Presentation : Benny Van Goethem (voorzitter KBBB)
A match is being played over 10 sets (2 players per team)
Single vs Single
Single vs Single
Doubles vs Doubles
Single vs Single
Single vs Single
A Set is being played with 3 balls vs 3 balls instead of the traditional 5 balls vs 5 balls.
The objective of the game is to pot your balls in the opponents hole.
Semi-Finals at 11:00 CET
San Pedro vs Dukqies
The Final at 15.30 CET
Gantoise vs winner Semi-Final
Award ceremnoy at 19:30 CET
1st €2000
2nd €1000
3rd €500
Livestream is free for all members (If you don't have an account yet please register and log in)
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