Agenda 캐롬 빌리아드


캐롬 - Incheon (KOR)



Songdo Conventia

2013 Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games - Billiards

1. time : 6/29 ~ 7/6
2. place : Songdo Conventia, Incheon, Korea
3. slogan : "Diversity Shines Here"
4. Management : Technical Delegate - Lo Tsun-ying, Joseph(Hong Kong), Competition Manager - Hyungjoo Gil(Korea)
5. types of matches :
a. Carom 2- 3 Cushion &1 Cushion
b. Pool 3 - Male 9 Ball, Female 9 Ball, & Female 10 Ball
c. Snooker 4 - Male : Individual, Team, 6-red Individual/Female : 6-red Individual
d. English Billiard 1 - Male Individual
6. schedule
a. Carom 3 Cushion : 6/29 ~ 7/1
b. Carom 1 Cushion : 7/2 ~ 7/5
c. Pool & Snooker : 6/29 ~ 7/6
7. rule
a. All the games are under the rules and regulations made by the Federations of WCBS
b. Carom matches - Official rules chosen in ACBC Rules and UMB Rules
c. Pool - Official rules chosen in APBU Rules and WPA Rules
d. Snooker and English Billiard - Official rules chosen by ACBS, IBSF, & WSA
8. details of the matches
a. Carom 3 Cushion - 40 points knockout tournament
b. Pool - Best 21 sets for male & Best 19 sets for female


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