Cadre 71/2 - Rumpt (NED)
Championnat de Hollande
This Free Livestream is being offered to you by the KNBB.
Group A
R. Swertz
D. Timmers
GJ. Veldhuizen
M. van Bochem
Group B
S.van Etten
J.P. Bongers
M.J.A.van Silfhout
D. Pattiruhu
W.J.A.M. van Gemert
E. van der Linden
Round 1: 11:00 CET
Round 2: 13:30
Round 3: 16:00
Round 4: 18:30
Round 5: 10:00 CET
Semi-Finals 12:30
Final 15:00
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