Agenda Billard Français


3 Bandes - Seoul (KOR)

Harim Seoul 3cushion open tournament


SL당구클럽, 서울 강남구 논현동 105-4번지 한진로즈힐 지하 (SL Billiards Club, Hanjin Rosehill, 105-4, Nonhyun-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)
Corée du Sud

1. name : 2014 Harim of Seoul 3C Open tournament
2. time : 7~8th June,2014
3. place : prelimnary ~ Last 16 : SL Billiards Club, Hanjin Rosehill, 105-4, Nonhyun-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
4. hosted by : Korea Billiards Federation
5. promoted by : Seoul Billiards Federation
6. sponsored by :Harim Corporation, TongYangMulSan Co.,Ltd, E*trade Financial Corporation, Seoul Sports Council, Hanbat Co.,Ltd. , Associate of High Potential Enterprises of Korea
7. qualification : registered players of Korea Billiards Federation
8. rule : Tournament, Preliminary - 30pts, Last 128 - 35pts, Last 32- 40pts and 40sec Limit

Main game - tournament
9. dress
- pro players : black pants, black shoes, black socks, white or black shirt, vest & tie
- amateur: black pants, black shoes, black socks, white or black shirt

10. referee : The defeated will be the referees of the next matches.

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