Agenda Billard Français


3 Bandes - Seoul (KOR)

Predator Ladies Championship


Mr. Billiard Club, 7-25, Youngdeungpo3-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea
Corée du Sud

Predator With 9th Billiard Association Ladies 3-Cushion Championship

- promoted by Korean Billiards Association and Predator
- hosted by Korean Billiards Association
- sponsored by Predator, Kozoom Korea, Billplex, Mr. Billiard Club, Simonith, Aramith

date - 11:00 AM(Local Time), 19, May, 2013
place - Mr. Billiard Club, 7-25, Youngdeungpo3-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea
table - 10 Korean middle-sized tables

rules - 12 points(handicap point), consolation match, 25 innings for preliminary matches

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