Agenda Karambol Bilardo


3 Bant - Seoul (KOR)

Seoul Grand Prix Açık


예선 - SL당구클럽(서울특별시 강남구 논현동 105-4,TEL:02-512-3934) JS당구클럽(서울특별시 강남구 삼성동 144-19 JS타워 지하1층,TEL:02-6005-0304) 준당구클럽(서울특별시 서초구 서초동 1543-10 양원빌딩 지하1층,TEL:070-4227-4540) JOY당구클럽(서울특별시 강남구 역삼동 819-1 지하1층,TEL:02-555-2464) 본선- SL당구클럽(서울특별시 강남구 논현동 105-4,TEL:02-512-3934)
Güney Kore

1) Name : 4th Seoul Grand prix 3C open tournament
2) Period : Only 3th, August
3) Place :

[Preliminary ~ Last 32]
SL billiards club, JS billiards club, JUN billiards club, JOY billiards club

[Last 16 ~Final] SL billiards club

4) Host by : SBF(Seoul Billiards Federation), KBF

5) Promoted by : SBF(Seoul Billiards Federation), KBF

6) Sponsored by : Mr Pizza, TONG YANG MOOLSAN.,CO.LTD, HARIM Group, MPK.,CO.LTD

7) Qualification :Registered players of Seoul Billiards Federation and Nationwide amateur

8) Prize (all 11,100,000 Won)

- 1st : 3,000,000 Won

- 2nd : 1,500,000 Won

- 3rd : each 800,000Won

- 5th : each 400,000 Won

- 9th : each 200,000 Won

- 17th : each 100,000 Won

Best Game, Highrun : 100,000 Won

9) Rules : all match is tournament

[Preliminary] tournament
- Men pro & amateur : 30pts
-High School student Pro& amateur : 25pts
-Women and middle school student pro & amateur : 17pts

[Last 16~ Final] tournament - race to 30pts, equalize inning, 40sec, time out 1, penalty shot

10) Dress : [pro players] black pants, black shoes, black socks, white or black shirt, SBF T-shirt
[amateur] neatly attire

12) referee : The defeated will be the referees of the next matches.

13) seed : last 64 - 3th Grand prix winner and runner-up (4 players)


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