Agenda Carom Billiard


3-Cushion - New York (USA)

Verhoeven Open Tournament


Carom Cafe Flushing
New York
United States

My Comments

Corner Guy
Corner Guy
USBA "Verhoeven Open"
I'd like to thank All the players for a great tournament. This tournament was a well run tournament directed by Charles Brown. Charles spent many hours preparing for and directing this wonderful gathering of players from around the world. The tournament was well run and provided many a good match to be seen. Another big thank you goes to Michaelt Kang for hosting this event in a very special place... "Carom Cafe" Michael and his staff were very cordial and met the many needs of the players and spectators. It was a pleasure viewing many top players competing in the Open Tournament.

Merrill Hughes
Northeast Director
United States Billiard Association.

Message 1/1 - Publish at August 13, 2012 2:29 PM

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