Agenda Carom Billiard


3-Cushion - (NED)

Buffalo League Round 1



13:00 Local time

HCR Prinsen vs

Philipoom - De Backer
De Kleine - Van Acker
Pijl - De Kraker
Swertz - Dallinga

't Ivoor vs S.I.S. Schoonmaak

Christiani - Van Erp
Wilkowski - Burgman
Roofthooft - Jorissen
Van Peer - Van der Spoel

Dekker Keukens vs Team Eekhoorn

Koorevaar - Van Kuijk
Valentijn - P.Ceulemans
Tijssens - K.Ceulemans
Bruijstens - Hermans

's Lands Welvaren vs 't Hartje van Oosterhout

Weeremans - Van Havere
Brants - Yasin
Forton - Van de Ven
Hopmans - Martens

My Comments

keith montague
Looking forward to the Buffalo League starting soon and nice to see Kozoom covering it live. Hope HCR Pinsen does well after faultering last term. Even though I love summer for my other 2 sporting passions in Golf and Cricket, I do love winter as it means Carom Leagues are back

PS Does anyone have any info please on where I could find the results in Belgium NIDM League and Spain Liga Extremadura (containg Ceres and Herves) 2018/19 as they were wiped from my laptop when doing a clean up of my hard drive. Lucky for me all the Dutch, German, French, Czech, Austrian, Danish, Swedish and Portugeese survived. If anyone finds them please find me the links to them and I will send you an e-mail thanking you personaly

This would be much obliged from a loyal follower in The Republic of Ireland

Message 1/1 - Publish at August 24, 2019 7:48 PM

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