Results US Pool


Balk-Line 71/2 - European Championship - Cervera (ESP) - 5/4/05 to 5/8/05

Rank Players Pts Money
1 Patrick NIESSEN 1250
2 Esteve MATA 1622
3 Marek FAUS 1199
3 Rafael GARCIA 1100
5 Xavier GRETILLAT 873
6 Ludger HAVLIK 923
7 Bernard VILLIERS 843
8 Louis EDELIN 626
9 Juan Carlos PARERAS 400
10 Wiljan VAN DEN HEUVEL 400
11 Francisco FORTIANA 287
12 David JACQUET 517
13 Juan ESPINASA 978
14 Laurent GUENET 677
15 Thomas NOCKEMANN 236
16 Michel VAN SILFHOUT 273
17 Xavier CARRER 292
18 Rudy HENRY 637
20 Brahim DJOUBRI 230
21 Arnim KAHOFER 112
22 Ad KLIJN 373
23 Alvaro GOMEZ 399
24 Raul CUENCA 568
25 Wiel VAN GEMERT 278
26 Eric CASTANER 160
27 Johann PETIT 280
28 Jordi CADILLAC 519
29 Claude BAUDUIN 281
30 Janis ZIOGAS 175
31 Carlos TUSET 527
32 Manel BANCELLS 416
33 Jean ARNAUD 193
34 Jose RAMON MOLINA 581
35 Udo MIELKE 130
36 Abelard SALVATIERRA 383
37 Florent PIGNATEL 233
38 Valenti VILATA 278
39 Jordi GASO 238
40 Josep MAS 233
41 Juan Carlos VERA 215
42 Jaume ANDREU 189
43 Alex GIL 252
44 Jaume VILA 176
45 Antoni SENDRA 183
46 Salvador MARTI 138
47 Josep PLANES 166

Winner Patrick NIESSEN

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