Results US Pool


1-Cushion - French National Master Championship - Crépy en Valois (FRA) - 5/6/04 to 5/9/04

Rank Players Pts Money
1 Bernard VILLIERS 1161
2 Fabrice PUIGVERT 1203
3 Olivier JONARD 1041
4 Cyril MIOSSEC 907
5 Bernard BAUDOIN 866
6 Xavier LE ROY 892
7 Xavier CARRER 622
9 Alain REMOND 564
10 Jacky JUSTICE 516
11 Franck ZAHNER 458
12 Laurent GUENET 374
13 Frédéric ROELANTS 344
14 Jérémie PICART 376
15 Jean-Marc DRIDI 323
16 Claude BAUDUIN 291

Winner Bernard VILLIERS

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