Results US Pool


Balk-Line 47/2 - French National Tournament - Lunel (FRA) - 12/8/17 to 12/10/17

Rank Players Pts Money
1 Pierre MARTORY 1150
2 Johann PETIT 1022
3 David JACQUET 884
4 Pascal DESSAINT 900
5 Willy GERIMONT 907
7 Brahim DJOUBRI 486
8 Emmanuel LEFRANC 571
9 Xavier LE ROY 700
10 Patrick DUPONT 200
11 Yannick LE GREGAM 231
12 Jean-Marc CALVEL 355
13 Benoît DEZILES-LEGROS 351
14 Fabien CAMBERLIN 370
15 Fabio VENDITTELLI 315
16 Magali DECLUNDER 477
17 Claude BAUDUIN 415
18 Paulo FERREIRA 471
19 Jean François FLORENT 244
20 Benoit BAYET 191
21 Michaël SABOT 535
22 Jean-Michel FRAY 277
23 Titus MARKADAS 276
24 José MONTINTIN 443
25 Antoine SUCHAUT 207
26 Pierre CAUBET 125
27 Jean-Pierre DREMEAUX 104
28 Régis GREGOIRE 117
29 Sandy GRENET 255
30 Alain BARTHE 192
31 Pascal BRIOSNE 115
32 José SANCHEZ 101
33 Emmanuel PICARD 48

Winner Pierre MARTORY

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