Results US Pool


Free game - French Ladies National Tournament - Ronchin (FRA) - 1/30/16

Rank Players Pts Money
1 Véronique ALES 584
2 Aurore BELLENS 547
3 Christine MOREL 412
4 Sonia LIVEBARDON 460
5 Melanie HALLIER 234
6 Anne BARBIER 199
7 Brigitte CARQUET 200
8 Brigitte GAULTIER 215
9 Christine VERES 118
10 Marie-Louise JULLIEN 88
12 Josette DARCQ 41
13 Lucie PETIT 97
14 Christelle LONGEREY 76
15 Francine MOURIKS 67
16 Myriam DORLEANS 58
17 Aurore MARTIN 55
Véronique ALES

Winner Véronique ALES

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