Results US Pool


1-Cushion - European Championships - Brandenburg (GER) - 4/25/15 to 4/28/15

Rank Players Pts Money
1 Frédéric CAUDRON   560
3 Arnim KAHOFER 418
3 Bernard VILLIERS 366
5 Grégory LE DEVENTEC 261
7 Bernard BAUDOIN 280
8 Marek FAUS 292
9 Torbjörn BLOMDAHL   172
10 Esteve MATA 162
11 Xavier GRETILLAT 190
12 Eddy LEPPENS 171
13 Jordi GARRIGA 123
14 Raul CUENCA 175
15 Thomas WILDFÖRSTER 165
16 Etienne DESAINT 139
17 Michel VAN SILFHOUT 122
18 Jean Paul DE BRUIJN   147
19 Miroslav BACA 118
20 Johann PETIT 108
21 Raymund SWERTZ 71
22 Otakar TRUKSA 76
23 Paulo ANDRADE 92
24 Tamas SZOLNOKI 53
Official informations about this event are available here.
Frédéric CAUDRON

Winner Frédéric CAUDRON

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