Results Carom Billiard


Straight - French National Championship N1 - Antony (FRA) - 5/6/04 to 5/7/04

Rank Players Pts Inn. Avg. Run
1 Jérôme BERTOLUTTI 500 81 6.17 0
2 Pascal ENFROY 493 84 5.87 0
3 Yassine KHALFI 555 167 3.32 0
4 Nicolas FOURRE 388 126 3.08 0
5 Grégory DIEUDONNE 527 173 3.05 0
6 Noel CAUWET 523 140 3.74 0
7 François VILLAR 447 152 2.94 0
8 Mickael BONNOMET 394 160 2.46 0
9 Simon SANE 203 78 2.6 0
10 Philippe PRUDHOMME 252 95 2.65 0
11 Jean-Pierre COLLIDOR 97 40 2.43 0
12 Christophe MONZEIN 59 38 1.55 0
13 Grégory BOBEE 114 49 2.33 0
13 Christophe MARLIERE 130 62 2.1 0
13 Emmanuel BENICHOU 138 58 2.38 0
4820 1503 3.21 0

Winner Jérôme BERTOLUTTI

Best General Average Jérôme BERTOLUTTI

Best Match Pascal ENFROY
100 pts / 8 Inn. = 12.5

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