Results Carom Billiard


Straight - French National Championship N1 - Amiens (FRA) - 6/2/05 to 6/3/05

Rank Players Pts Inn. Avg. Run
1 The Kien DO 525 109 4.82 0
2 Christophe HERBINET 449 133 3.38 0
3 Noel CAUWET 451 96 4.7 0
4 François RENARD 590 146 4.04 0
5 Yassine KHALFI 434 123 3.53 0
6 Laurent ZERVOS 375 110 3.41 0
7 Emmanuel BENICHOU 290 94 3.09 0
8 Sébastien VANDAME 315 88 3.58 0
9 Philippe FAYARD 330 122 2.7 0
10 Nicolas KALB 292 125 2.34 0
11 Jérôme LASSALLE 243 75 3.24 0
12 Stéphane LEVACHER 285 167 1.71 0
13 Laurent CHAVES BALULA 100 49 2.04 0
13 Gérard MILLOT 129 46 2.8 0
13 Mickael LELEU 91 72 1.26 0
13 David SIMON 110 46 2.39 0
5009 1601 3.13 0

Winner The Kien DO

Best General Average The Kien DO

Best Match Noel CAUWET
100 pts / 9 Inn. = 11.11

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