COPENHAGEN - The Danish businessman Dan Johansen, living in Copenhagen, is one of the main billiards lovers and sponsors in his country. He once entered the famous BK Grøndalclub to learn the game, gives his full support to the Danish federation, travels to the World Cups himself and inspired Dion Nelin to start a new professional career since this year. ''I want him to be one of the best players in the world'', is Dan Johansen's goal for the next years. We must confess, he is well on his way to realizing his billiards dream.
Kozoom approached this special man in the billiards world for an interview when he was in Sevilla for a short visit. Dan Johansen (54), on the day that Dion Nelin was one of the best players in the pre-rounds at the Survival 3 Cushion Masters in Seoul, Korea. And in the year that Denmark is the organizer of the World championship three cushion in Randers from 26 to 30 November.
Dan Johansen
Lives in: Frederiksberg in the center of Copenhagen
Relation: was married but divorced in 2000, has a 38 years old stepdaughter and an 28 years old son
Business: Sehard Painting Company since 27 years
Billiards Club: BK Grøndal
Kozoom/Frits Bakker: What can you tell us in short about your company?
I own the painting company called Sehard Painting Company which I started 27 years ago. We are employng between 25-40 people depending on the demands. We have our work around Copenhagen, painting buildings inside and outside. When I'm travelling, it's mostly private or to play billiards.
Kozoom/FB: When was your first appearance in billiards?
DJ: I started playing in Grøndal Billardclub 27 years ago. When I came in there, we only had one three cushion table and no teams (only 'Kegle Billard'), but I loved the game, so I contacted my old friend Michael Hoffmann, the many times Danish champion in Kegle billard, and I asked him to come and play there. So that's how we started, playing with three men in the lowest division. Then, three years later, we rented a little bit more space of our Mano Danske Bank, and we could have space for two tables. We replaced the kegle tables one year later and got two more three cushion tables. So now we were a real three cushion club. Dion Nelin and Brian Knudsen came to the club in 2005 and a few years later Jacob Haack Sörensen and not the least, Tonny Carlsen. Since then we have won 12 Danish championships and we are the most winning club in Danish history.
Kozoom/FB: What were your favorite sports in your younger years?
DJ: I played football and handball before. In billiards, I was on the winning team at 2012, and I have been four times in the best 16 individual in the championship without any top results.
Kozoom/FB: Was BK Grøndal your one and only club?
DJ: I have always played in Grøndal, and that will not change. I told you about the four players, but I can also can mention good players like Rene Henriksen and Hans Lauersen. My business partner Thomas Morén and I are the main sponsors in my club,
Kozoom/FB: Which countries did you visit to play billiards?
DJ: I have been travelling with friends to many countries, mostly for World Cups in the last twenty years. And I've been in the New York Verhoeven Open for the last five years (and I love it).
Kozoom/FB: When did you start supporting Dion Nelin to inspire him to his way up?
DJ: Thomas asked Dion last year if he would like to stop working as a bus driver and play billards on a professional level. He is a great talent, we believe he is one of the best in the world. Dion has the right age now and the backup from his wife Jonna at home. So, our goal is to see him in the absolute top of the world. We have made a contract in September 2018 for 2 years, paying him monthly with bonuses besides the salary. After two years we will see if he and we want to continue.
Kozoom/FB: And now the Belgian Roland Forthomme is another player in your sponsor team
DJ: I decided to sponsor Roland privately, because he is a great player and a wonderful man, loved by all Danish billard players.
Kozoom/FB: How do you see billiards and the development of three cushion in Denmark?
DJ: Three cushion is a very small sport in our homeland. Most players are active in Kegle billiard and pool. And 5 pins is getting bigger all the time.
Kozoom/FB What is Denmark expecting from the World championship in Randers? Many people will come to watch? Very important for young players?
DJ: We all look forward to that great event. The Danish federation has done a huge job and it will be broadcast all days on our national television. I'm not a part of the organisation, except that I am a sponsor of the federation.
Kozoom/FB: What are your plans in billiards for the coming years?
DJ: My plan is to have more time for practice and then, in a few years, beat Dick Jaspers in a World Cup final (big smile).
Dan Johansen during the Verhoeven Open in New York
Dion Nelin, a professional career supported by Dan Johansen
Roland Forthomme